True You Yoga

Beginner Yoga
with Jennifer

May 15 (Wednesday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

   WE HAVE MIGRATED OVER TO A NEW BOOKING SYSTEM- USE THIS LINK TO BOOK FOR ALL CLASSES BEGINNING 4/8/24. (click "read more" if it is doesn't allow you to click on the link above)

This class is designed as an introduction to the practice of yoga as it moves at a slower pace that allows everyone to follow along. The focus is on mindful movement, breath, and learning foundational poses you find in most yoga classes. We will learn how to modify poses and use props to support your practice.  Come to learn, play, and maybe even break a sweat in a supportive environment. 

This is an excellent class if you're brand new to yoga or prefer a more gentle option and perhaps learn something new. 


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