True You Yoga

with Jennifer

April 25 (Thursday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
60 minutes

True You Yoga Studio

   WE HAVE MIGRATED OVER TO A NEW BOOKING SYSTEM- USE THIS LINK TO BOOK FOR ALL CLASSES BEGINNING 4/8/24. (click "read more" if it is doesn't allow you to click on the link above)

If you prefer a softer, mindfully paced class, Gentle/Restorative Yoga will be a perfect addition to your weekly routine. There will be gentle movement mixed with long held postures followed by an extended Savasana (rest) with a combination of guided meditation and sound healing. By finding both that bit of movement and time of stillness, this combination enhances our healing capacity by helping us regulate the stress response and soothe the nervous system. To achieve comfort, a variety of props such as blankets, blocks, bolsters, straps, and eye pillows may be used. Dress in layers with comfortable clothing that allows you to move yet be completely relaxed and restful. 


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